Release date 2022-05-27 on all streaming platforms and available to buy downloads in preferred format at bandcamp.
This concert with Andi Almqvist echoes in an empty ballroom during the pandemic. It was streamed by Victoriateatern in Malmö but the soundrecording stands on its own and is released on all digital services 27/5 2022. Without a crowd in the room it’s remarkable how much energy and heart is conveyed here.
Maybe there was a suppressed need to prove something both to themselves and others, after more than a year of not performing live. Andi and his band show a striking width, from sad ballads to punk eruptions. All songs are composed by Andi and he sings his poetry with sincerity and without evading any heavy themes. Many of the songs are totally rearranged and some versions even trump the studio originals.
- Andi Almqvist – Vocals, guitar, grand piano
- Bebe Risenfors (Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, Ann-Sofi von Otter et al) – Grand piano, accordion, barytonsaxophone, clarinet, organ
- Mats Ingvarsson (Geri Allen Trio, Damn/Timbuktu et al)– Double bass, electric bass, harmony vocals
- Conny Städe (First Aid Kit, Ossler et al)– Drums
- Recorded by Diego at Victoriateatern in Malmö
- Mix and edit by Mats Ingvarsson
- Master by Andy Lundgren at Ljudateljén
- Produced by Andi Almqvist and Mats Ingvarsson